10 reasons boards of directors fail at monitoring their companies
We live in a blame culture. Every time a corporate scandal erupts we look for someone or some people to blame. What was the board of directors doing? They must be incompetent or negligent. Or were they not incentivized to do the job properly?
In fact, in most cases, board failures are not due to lack of motivation or competence of the individuals on the boards, but are the result of clear structural barriers from board size to the complexity of a firm, which can lead to the failure of the board to effectively obtain, process and share information as individuals and as a group.
New research from Professor Ruth Aguilera at ESADE Business School, Joel Andrus and Steven Boivie from Texas A&M University Mays School of Business, and Michael Bednar of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, reveals 10 structural barriers that explain why boards of directors can fail to effectively monitor their companies. Barriers that can be addressed to ensure better corporate governance.
These 10 structural barriers can impede information processing capabilities, leading the board to fail in its monitoring duties:
INDIVIDUAL FACTORS (related to the individual board members):
GROUP FACTORS (related to the dynamics among the directors on the board):
FIRM FACTORS (related to the characteristics of the firm):
This research can help boards address these structural barriers by tailoring responses such as: more frequent meetings — perhaps using information technology alternatives to reduce travel issues; and longer shared tenure to increase cohesiveness and trust on larger boards; norms of openness without fear of retribution to alleviate issues such as social values that encourage deference to CEOs; and strategic recruiting to avoid function diversity where board members are unfamiliar with the issues and environment of the firm.
Finally, the researchers also suggest that it is important to recognize what boards can do well — such as allocating resources and influencing key events — and temper the expectations of a board’s monitoring capabilities.
Access the original research paper: Are Boards Designed to Fail? The Implausibility of Effective Board Monitoring. The Academy of Management Annals (January 2016).
ESADE Business School, since its inception in 1958, is one of the world's most prestigious business schools, and has become a frame of reference in the world of executive training.
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