Cambridge Judge Business School Exec Ed offers help to create a business model fit for our disruptive times
While advances in technology presents huge innovative opportunities for new products – from new medical treatments to driverless cars – business sustainability requires innovation not so much of products but of new business models that embrace technology. The disruption we see across so many industries has not come about due to technology per se but because individuals being creative and working disruptively have innovated new business models that take advantage of the technology.
At a time when traditional business models are under increasing pressure, the innovation of new business models that embrace technology and the changes technology has brought to the market place and to people’s buying patterns can be critical to securing an organization’s prosperous future.
Register for the October 2018 program now.
Business model innovation can be about the way we offer services externally – neither Uber nor Airbnb were ‘product’ innovations they were new business models that offered new approaches to markets disrupted by technology. And it can be about internal processes – moving paper-based systems to the cloud, implementing new payment methods, creating an online store and maybe in future introducing AI assistance.
While inventive new products and breakthroughs in R&D have their place, all business of all types and sizes need to constantly re-examine their business models and innovate new models to stay ahead of the game. Business model innovation is not the province of genius inventors, rather it is a process that requires engagement across the organization and the development of a culture of innovation that is open to new ideas and to change.
In these disruptive times, the need for organizations to understand the process of business model innovation has never been greater. With this in mind Cambridge Judge Business School Executive Education has launched ‘Beyond Innovation: Business Models for Transformative & Competitive Advantage’ – a six-week program that appropriately takes an innovative approach being delivered in online. The online nature of the program offers flexibility of learning with each week offering a new module, requiring approximately six hours of participants' time.
“Innovative thinking is a key principle at Cambridge Judge Business School and we are committed to sharing our knowledge and expertise in this area. In this era of rapid change and transformation, it is crucial that leaders apply fresh thinking to their business models. I’m excited to be opening up our expertise and insights and look forward to growing our global community of business leaders.” Christoph Loch, Dean of Cambridge Judge Business School.
The aim of this program is to help executives, involved in determining the future of their organizations, understand the dynamics of business model innovation. It will look at the characteristics of truly transformative business models and help participants identify areas for potential change in their own industries. It will focus on the innovation process and on how to develop the organizational capability necessary to deliver transformative change that can be sustainable and profitable.
Finally, participants will focus in detail on their own business and put together a proposal for an innovative business model set within their own business context.
“A transformational business model requires opening up your organization to the right kind of innovation. This program is an opportunity to explore what innovation means to you, reflect on your organizational direction and find a narrative that works for your future.” Stelios Kavadias, Director of the Entrepreneurship Centre, Cambridge Judge Business School
“We deliver executive education experiences to develop the skills and mindsets that push forward the boundaries of value creation.”
Rotman professor, Sarah Kaplan, champions inclusive product and service innovation—for social good and competitive advantage