IEDP’s latest webinar aims to help you reduce turnover, increase engagement and leverage the talents of millennials in the workplace
Everyone knows that the Millennial generation is different. But who are they really, and how can you lead them to further organizational goals?
Leading Millennials [WEBINAR] from Ideas for Leaders on Vimeo.
Watch the webinar recording above from Vanderbilt Executive Education’s Professor Cherrie Wilkerson and IEDP's Roddy Millar to understand and discuss these key topics:
Managers, Directors and Executives leading multi-generational teams will take a great deal from this webinar, as will all leaders wishing to learn best practices for millennial productivity and efficiency.
About the Speaker | Cherrie Wilkerson is Professor of Management at Vanderbilt Owen Graduate School of Management. A former Bain consultant and executive educator, Cherrie guides the Master of Science in Finance program at Vanderbilt and teaches several courses within Executive Education.
We’re the B-School built for the persistent. The genuine. The professional who knows he or she hasn’t heard it all before-and uses that humility to grow. To learn. To change. Take note of Vanderbilt. We’re building a new type of business leader-together.
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