Watch as Georgetown’s Robert J. Bies delivers this high-level on how to deal with conflict in organizational life
Conflict is a fact of life in organizations and in business – and in our current world of rapid technological, market and social change instances of conflict are on the rise.
Rather than just seeking to forestall conflict business leaders also need to learn how to manage it when it happens and in certain circumstances to turn it to their advantage.
How to deal with and manage conflict effectively is the subject for discussion in this latest IEDP webinar, and you will learn:
About the speaker: Robert J. Bies, Professor of Management, Founder of the Executive Master’s in Leadership Program, McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University
Watch the webinar now...Slides from the Webinar can be found here.
Since its founding in 1957, the McDonough School of Business has garnered global recognition for excellence in international business.
Up-beat guide heralds the end of traditional command-and-control and ushers in a new human-powered leadership