In this recorded panel event Cranfield School of Management experts discuss the future of work and workforce management
In this video recording of a live panel event on today's hot-button topic in talent, the Future World of Work, expert faculty from Cranfield School of Management, discuss new understandings about the future workforce, and how to develop a winning People Strategy for 2030.
Emma Parry, Ruth Massie and Michael Dickmann, each present their unique perspective and insights and a Q&A based on the panel discussion follows.
From new technologies, to new career trajectories, new skillsets and new mindsets, changing workforce attitudes, and new cyber security challenges – enjoy this vibrant, free-ranging panel session.
Emma Parry discusses the changing world of work and the evolving challenge of managing people; from workforce attitudes, societal trends to 2030 and beyond, to emerging new technologies.
Emma Parry is Professor of Human Resource Management and Head of the Changing World of Work Group at Cranfield School of Management
Michael Dickmann discusses the future of global work – from leading globally diverse teams, across borders – with or without moving, to navigating global careers.
Michael Dickmann is Professor of International Human Resource Management.
Ruth Massie discusses the need to underpin your People Strategy 2030 with new hard skillsets – with cyber a key issue; not as a tech problem, but as a management one. With remote work and global teams surging, cyber helps make those plans a reality.
Ruth Massie is Associate Professor of Andragogy.
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