Three useful online responses to the COVID-19 crisis from some of the UK’s leading business schools
We have all been deluged with comments and advice related to the COVID-19 crisis in recent weeks, some useful and some less so. Here we highlight three particularly useful resources from some of the UK’s leading business schools—who have been quick to respond to the changing needs of a business world under massive pressure, and faced with unprecedented disruption. Resources highlighted support business as a whole—from SMEs, to freelancers, to large organizations of all types.
With most companies focused on survival and short-term resilience, business schools have the time and perspective to bring critical thinking and world-class expertise to bear on many of the key issues facing business leaders today—from weathering the crisis, to trying to see beyond it. Coupled with this, top business schools will often possess world-class virtual learning infrastructure, and we are seeing that being leveraged too.
There is a wide variety of free-to-access content being created in our sector right now, some—as we highlight here—featuring world-renowned thought-leaders and covering topic areas key to meeting the extraordinary challenges of both today and tomorrow. From crisis management, preparedness and scenarios-planning, to mental resilience, leadership communications, and stakeholder management—through to the global economic picture, and what comes next.
Saïd Business School, University of Oxford — Leadership in Extraordinary Times, Virtual Events
Saïd are broadcasting weekly virtual events on subjects such as preparedness and resilience, mental health, global economics, and rapid innovation—and featuring experts such as chair of Saïd Business School Paul Polman. New virtual events broadcast on this page, and past events archived.
London Business School‘s Leading Through a Pandemic Webinar Series
Hosted by Julian Birkinshaw and broadcast twice a week right through the Spring. Past and future webinars here, from sessions on judgement, to responsible business, to the fast-changing global economic picture.
Cranfield School of Management’s Knowledge Hub
Short reads, podcasts, videos and webinars from Cranfield’s expert faculty from across the school—from customer retention to culture resilience, and with particular strength on SME business issues.
Look out for more articles in this series as IEDP looks to spotlight more useful resources from around the world, as the executive development sector as a whole works to support their local and international business communities.
The main challenges facing today’s business leaders are analysed and addressed in research from the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL)