• Organizational

Tactics to Improve Diversity & Inclusion

Georgetown McDonough’s Professor Ella Washington offers new, actionable, tactics for improving diversity and inclusion efforts


In this recent webinar Georgetown McDonough’s Professor Ella Washington—an organizational psychologist and thought-leader in diversity, inclusion, and equity—provided fresh insight into the D&I space based on cutting-edge research, while providing a much needed actionable framework for executives to take away and put to use.

In this time of change, there is an opportunity to revisit and improve upon the way organizations approach diversity and inclusion, ranging from gender to race to educational background. 

Webinar participants were able to:

  • Review the past, present, and future of diversity and inclusion best practices.
  • Learn and take away practical tools and tactics for inclusion in a virtual space.

About the Speaker
Dr. Ella Washington is an organizational psychologist who finds inspiration through the intersection of business, diversity and leadership. Her research examines conditions of workplace cultures that best support inclusion, diversity and equity while also contributing to employee’s individual development. As a member of the management faculty at Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business, Dr. Washington prides herself on helping to develop and equip tomorrow’s business leaders with skills to be high-performing inclusive managers.

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By promoting the latest research, thought-leadership, and executive programs being delivered by the world’s premier business schools and other providers, IEDP seeks to improve the performance and expand the learning horizons for our international corporate audience; while furthering the reach and impact of the sector as a whole.





Since its founding in 1957, the McDonough School of Business has garnered global recognition for excellence in international business.

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