Let Columbia Business School’s world-renowned faculty help your organization address the challenges brought by the COVID-19 lockdown
In a unique initiative aimed at business leaders needing to assess, evaluate and pivot their businesses and processes in these difficult times, Columbia Business School is offering a series of ‘virtual sessions’ to bring the School’s world-renowned thought leaders directly to organizations—anywhere in the world. Through a synchronous online format, faculty will come to you and your team live and virtually, sharing their expertise and insights to address your organization's needs.
“During the coronavirus pandemic, the measure of an organization is tested. The rapidly evolving economic landscape is teaching us a fundamental lesson: we can't do it alone,” says Pierre Yared, vice dean for Executive Education and the MUTB Professor of International Business at Columbia Business School. “This new offering was put in place so we can work together to build the future of your organization.”
Five of the most popular sessions are described below. But these are a mere sample of Columbia faculty's broad range of expertise. See the full list here.
Crisis Leadership
With Paul Ingram, the Kravis Professor of Business at Columbia Business School
When a crisis arises, the first thing people look for is a leader. This session introduces leaders to tools and techniques for dealing with crises, recognizing that crisis situations require different leadership than normal conditions, and that leaders can’t wait until they’re in the midst of a disaster to seek help.
The COVID-19 Inflection Point: Learning Fast from Crisis
With Rita McGrath, one of the world's leading voices on strategy and innovation
COVID-19 has brought a strategic inflection point—one that changes the fundamental assumptions behind many business operations. It is now critical that leaders carefully judge when to take strategic action—not moving too early or leaving it too late. This interactive session focuses on how we, as individuals, leaders, and organizations, can grow better under duress.
Digital Transformation
With David Rogers, a globally-recognized leader on digital business strategy
In order to adapt and thrive in disrupted times, organizations need leaders who can think strategically and harness each wave of digital change to create new value for customers and new opportunities for their business. This session will provide executives with the frameworks and strategic planning tools to lead today’s businesses to adapt and grow in the digital age.
Capacity Planning and Operations in Times of Crisis
With Carri Chan, associate professor of Business at Columbia Business School
America’s beleaguered health system has remained afloat throughout the coronavirus attack, if only through raw ingenuity. This session offers insights into how key healthcare stakeholders innovated their way back from the brink and provides lessons learned for insulating health care operations from such stresses and challenges going forward.
Global Trade and Investment
With Amit Khandelwal, the Jerome A. Chazen Professor of Global Business at Columbia Business School
There have been two cataclysmic shocks to the global trade system in recent years: the U.S.-China trade war and the COVID-19 pandemic. This session will consider the implications of these events on current and future trade between countries, how supply chains will be restructured, and what the lessons for businesses will be.
The Columbia Business School team promises to respond within one business day to start scheduling your session
For any questions about Columbia Business School’s virtual sessions, please contact: virtualsessions@gsb.columbia.edu.
Columbia Business School is the only Ivy League institution that delivers a learning experience where academic excellence meets real-time exposure to the pulse of business in New York City.
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