Watch the recording of Prof Kimberly Pace’s webinar to avoid the roadblocks women leaders too often encounter
As a female manager do you have the key competencies to move up into a senior leadership role?
Will you be able to bypass the roadblocks that women leaders too often encounter?
Watch this essential webinar from Vanderbilt Executive Education to find out:
Bypass the Roadblocks Women Leaders Too Often Encounter with Kimberly Pace from Ideas for Leaders on Vimeo.
New graduates are more likely to be female than male. New managers are more likely to be women than men. Yet in the US only 12.2% of board members of public companies are women, matched by 15.5% in the UK, and 13.1% in Canada.
Whatever it is that is stopping able, well-educated, experienced women executives from reaching the top, don’t let it hamper your career or hold back the women in your organization.
This dynamic webinar will help you:
About the speaker: Kimberly Pace is Professor for the Practice of Communication at Vanderbilt University Owen Graduate School of Management. She uses her formal training in the performing arts to bring a unique perspective to business education and practice.
Professor Pace teaches communications courses for students in the MBA, MSF, MAcc, Executive MBA, Accelerator, and MMHC programs, and as the CEO and Co-Founder of Executive Aura, LLC, she coaches leaders in executive personal branding and in building positive corporate cultures to execute strategy. She helps executives understand the unique value they bring to their company, staff, clients, and customers.
Also learn about Vanderbilt Executive Education’s short program: Women in Leadership, offered Monday, Oct 23 - Tuesday, Oct 24, 2017.
We’re the B-School built for the persistent. The genuine. The professional who knows he or she hasn’t heard it all before-and uses that humility to grow. To learn. To change. Take note of Vanderbilt. We’re building a new type of business leader-together.
For Thomas Misslin, transformation rather than training is the aim of executive education at emlyon business school