Assess, create or revitalise business models given the disruptive innovation affecting businesses today.
The pace, scale and impact of innovation has accelerated over the years. While innovation can enhance the value of existing products and services, it can also render existing business models obsolete. As a result, we need to rethink who our customers are, while our customers rethink what they value.
We are living in an age of disruption, defined as fundamental changes in ways in which organisations and ecosystems operate. Organisations can no longer rely merely on product and service innovations, they need to change their business models to survive and succeed. New entrants are disrupting established industries such as Airbnb in travel or fintechs in financial services – this disruption poses a dilemma for both incumbents and new entrants.
Incumbents may want to respond to disruption but can also be reluctant to relinquish their advantage.
New entrants may need the support of the incumbent firms that they threaten. In such situations, an emphasis on the disruptive potential of innovations may backfire.
This programme brings together crucial insights from research on disruptive innovations combined with practitioner experiences to enable you to navigate this complexity.
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