Confronted with threats of disruption and a shifting competitive landscape, companies are pushing for greater strategic agility by fostering business acumen throughout their organisation, where it is no longer a skill confined to senior leadership. Instead, it is crucial for professional success and advancement across a wide range of roles and responsibilities. The greater their understanding of business strategy and financial performance, the more executives and managers can deliver faster and smarter decision-making. They will also be better equipped to drive the innovation and change that organisations need to succeed in today’s challenging markets.
Are you an executive – in any function, from production to IT – who is now being called upon to take a strategic perspective on your organisation? Developing your business acumen will allow you to better understand the drivers behind an organisation’s financial performance, as well as how to leverage that knowledge in your areas of responsibility. Do you work in corporate sales and advisory and need to understand your clients’ evolving business challenges? Business acumen will improve your ability to act as a strategic partner for your clients, tailoring your recommendations and clearly communicating your organisation’s distinctive value.
Driving Value through Business Acumen is designed to give you the key tools and perspectives from strategy and finance to achieve these objectives. The programme will help you understand the evolving strategic agenda of a company, and then leverage that understanding to identify concrete opportunities to elaborate the strategy, drive organisational alignment, and to ultimately enhance financial performance.
Leadership guru Kets de Vries lauds reflection and self-knowledge as the royal road to wisdom—the quality leaders need above all others