In today’s interconnected business world, organisations are under increasing pressure to meet the very different expectations of multiple stakeholder groups. While value and success are still largely determined by financial performance, a growing number of consumers and influencers demand that strong returns are achieved with integrity and in ways that also create environmental and/or social value. In this context, a new, forward-thinking approach to the issue of sustainability that supports core business objectives and creates value in its own right is more important than ever before.
Leading the Business of Sustainability illustrates the business value and clear financial gains associated with this new approach to sustainability. This one-week residential programme will show you how to make the case for change in your company’s approach, demonstrating best practice for engaging with stakeholders and changing mindsets, rather than simply communicating strong intentions. You will learn how to design innovative products and business models that make sustainability a profitable part of your business.
In addition to the residential module, several pre-residential modules are offered to ensure that all participants come to the programme with a common set of basic knowledge. Participants also have an opportunity to continue to exchange on progress and challenges after the residential module.
Leadership guru Kets de Vries lauds reflection and self-knowledge as the royal road to wisdom—the quality leaders need above all others