Family-owned enterprises face special challenges. Who will lead the family and/or the firm into the next generation? How to disentangle personal and business relationships? Should long-term investment take precedence over short-term dividends?
Get the answers wrong and the results can be disastrous – for family and firm alike. Get them right and you will have a high-performance business and a happy, wealthy family.
The Family Enterprise Challenge is designed to help you address the universal issues as they apply to your own business and family. It combines rigorous learning – based on the latest research – with practical workshops. Over four and a half intensive days, teams of two to eight representatives from each participating firm learn from each other and INSEAD’s expert professors by sharing, reflecting and above all applying new behaviours. Strict confidentiality is maintained throughout the course.
Leadership guru Kets de Vries lauds reflection and self-knowledge as the royal road to wisdom—the quality leaders need above all others