Despite compelling evidence that more diversity in senior management ranks increases organisational performance, the proportion of women in key leadership roles remains low in most organisations. Women face a unique set of challenges when progressing into senior leadership positions, including unconscious bias, a scarcity of role models, and a peer group that continually shrinks the more senior they become. These can make striving for the top a lonely and frustrating endeavour even in organisations with the best intentions to support their top female talent.
Women executives rarely have an opportunity to come together and share their leadership experiences in a learning environment that has direct relevance and personal impact. INSEAD’s Women Leaders Programme is designed to create just this environment. It addresses leadership issues that affect all executives, in a forum that hones in on the unique challenges women encounter. It creates a network of today’s senior women leaders, empowering them to take hold of their careers and aim for the top.
Leadership guru Kets de Vries lauds reflection and self-knowledge as the royal road to wisdom—the quality leaders need above all others