Gain a holistic view into the private equity industry. Presented in association with the Private Equity at LBS research group, hear the latest empirical research and industry trends, combined with case studies from established and emerging markets.
Who is the programme for?
Those with a financial or operational background including:
■ Private equity, fund and asset managers
■ Hedge fund managers, private investors
■ Regulators, compliance officers, accountants and lawyers, risk managers and actuaries
■ Investor relations specialists and corporate financiers
■ Investment consultants, family office representatives, private bankers and independent financial advisors
■ Pension fund and endowment trustees Programme focus
■ Private equity as an asset class, its fund structure and how it operates
■ Transaction and harvesting
■ Venture lending
■ The complexities of deal-making explored through analysis of recent industry deals
Key benefits
■ Knowledge of new ways to invest
■ Better management of the mechanics of deal selection, valuation and structuring
■ Enhanced understanding of the structural features of the global, private equity industry
■ Acquire new insights through guest speakers and interactions with fellow participants
LBS and ESMT study identifies the danger of citing information based on the ‘gist’ of the truth rather than the ‘literal’ truth