Human Resources Strategy: Designing and Implementing Your Strategic HR Plan


Human Resources Strategy: Designing and Implementing Your Strategic HR Plan - Brussels

Course Dates:
04/12/2017 To 06/12/2017

EUR € 3450

Language of Instruction:

Your company needs an innovative HR plan that is based on data and facts. As an HR Manager, you need to develop a sound plan and customize your HR strategy for your company.

How do you make a difference? How do you ensure your plan takes the challenging and fast-moving business and people environment into account? How do you convince stakeholders of your HR plan and drive implementation?

Are you ready to achieve these challenging objectives? How do you prepare yourself and how will you ever learn what you need to do, think and feel to develop the right strategy and successfully implement it?

The MCE HR 2020 programme focuses on you and your journey and gives you the insights you need to build and implement your strategic HR Plan. You will learn the important trends and their impact on HR as a profession, leadership and company culture in general, and most importantly: on your company.

Management Centre Europe (MCE)

Tel : +32/2/543.21.20



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