Leaders are the designers and builders of their teams, units and organizations. They have the obligation and opportunity to employ design principles in their leadership. Widening the scope of design conversations gives everyone the opportunity to use a design approach adding rich diversity of perspective based on unique experiences. This program offers evidence-based strategies for effectively leading teams to creative and innovative solutions. Learn
how our professional and personal history provides us deep knowledge and novel perspectives to address these business challenges.
Using an action-based learning approach, you will get hands-on experience applying key insights from the program, and leave ready to immediately apply these lessons in your organization. Your company will not only benefit by sending individual team leaders, but may further consider sending a complete team to allow your enterprise leaders the opportunity to craft winning solutions that specifically address your unique business challenges (special pricing available for teams).
A new Accelerated Management Development Program from Michigan’s Ross School of Business shows how top business schools are evolving their offering to better meet the changing requirements of executives taking the step up to leadership