As argued by Tom Verducci of Sports Illustrated, however, "analytics have become so commonplace as to have lost their edge; they have resulted in homogeneity" (April 12, 2016). Moreover, Verducci proposed that teams are now adopting "new buzzwords (such as) modalities, mental conditioning, neuro-scouting, recovery, informatics, sleep patterns, sports science and the like (to) individualize and customize a performance plan for each player" (SI, April 12, 2016).
Analytics, thus, contribute to competitive parity, but not to a competitive edge. The new buzzwords, based on sport science and analytics, are in common use to optimize individual, not team, performance.
What has yet to be leveraged within sport in a systematic, best-practices based approach is organization dynamics to provide a competitive advantage for sport teams. To this end, the University of Michigan Ross School of Business is again hosting the Sport and Organizational Dynamics Conference. Leadership and organizational experts from American's top schools of business and world sport organizations will share recent research and experienced-based best practice related to organizational dynamics. Participants will learn how they can provide a competitive edge to their sport team performance. (See testimonials from past participants below)
Emphasis in the sessions will be on two areas of organizational dynamics: developing a winning organizational culture and fostering positive leadership. Research on these topics in relation to sport team performance will be provided, and participants will have opportunities to identify ways in which the principles associated with positive leadership and organizational culture can be applied to their sport. Participants will leave the conference with systematic approaches to develop positive leadership and a winning team culture.
A new Accelerated Management Development Program from Michigan’s Ross School of Business shows how top business schools are evolving their offering to better meet the changing requirements of executives taking the step up to leadership