Inquiry-Driven Leadership


Inquiry-Driven Leadership

Course Dates:
17/02/2021 To 06/04/2021

USD $ 2800

Language of Instruction:

Inquiry-Driven Leadership focuses on a question-based approach to challenges, enabling you to become both a creative problem-finder and solver by gaining the tools to ask better questions.

Hal Gregersen, the executive director of the MIT Leadership Center, said: “Great questions have a catalytic quality — that is, they dissolve barriers to creative thinking and channel the pursuit of solutions into new, accelerated pathways.” When problem-solving, the emphasis far too often falls on finding a single correct answer. However, the power of a great question has the potential to ignite a type of innovative thinking that is essential to our globalized, digitized, and disruptive world.

Based on the in-person course, Questions Are the Answer: A Breakthrough Approach to Creative Problem Solving, Innovation, and Change, Inquiry-Driven Leadership focuses on a question-based approach to challenges, enabling you to become both a creative problem-finder and solver by gaining the tools to ask better questions. In exploring the conditions and behavioral habits that facilitate productive inquiry, you’ll learn to identify, frame, and solve problems in your own leadership context. You’ll discover how catalytic, or breakthrough questions, can foster transformative change, shift behaviors and beliefs, and generate individual and organizational value.

MIT Sloan Executive Education, MIT Sloan School of Management

Tel : +1-617-253-7166



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