Digital media and methods are transforming businesses around the world. However, a recent global study of thousands of organizations and C-suite leaders show a startling gap in readiness to compete, let alone win, in this new environment. This new course is designed to help participants define and achieve great leadership for their organizations in the new digital economy.
We are all very familiar with the megatrends, such as digitalization and the changing nature of work, that are making this world a more complex place. Indeed, leaders of digital enterprises have a unique opportunity to not only transform their businesses, but to help transform their customers as well. What will define great leadership in the new digital economy? What new leadership behaviors are needed, and how can organizations make the behaviors the norm throughout an organization?
The faculty of this timely new course draw from a global study of thousands of companies and C-suite leaders to shed light on capability gaps and provide research-based insights to help executives create the conditions for digital enterprise success.
Through self-assessments, lectures, breakout sessions, and examples of leading companies like Amazon, Google, Alibaba, Netflix,, this course will help you shape and articulate a powerful narrative about what great leadership looks like in your organization as well as how to engage your teams in this dialogue. You will also explore how to bake this narrative into your talent management systems and processes. Course content will include in-depth discussions on business model transformation, performance and people analytics, essentials of platform leadership and network effects, role modeling digital behaviors, and the leader’s role in culture change.
Leave this course with a playbook that opens the gates for a whole new and diverse generation of leaders in your organization.
Professor Jared Curhan reveals the positive contribution AI is already making in supporting leaders with negotiation