This self-paced online course is the definitive guide to harnessing social media effectively and ethically to achieve your organizational goals.
This program is delivered in collaboration with GetSmarter. Please register on the GetSmarter website.
By enabling us to both consume and share content with a simple tap of a screen, social media has empowered people, and organizations, to shape public opinion and drive action like never before. This has given companies the opportunity to enhance their consumer loyalty and engagement, but has also raised questions around the influence social media may have on our behavior.
The program draws on evidence-based, cross-disciplinary research from Sinan Aral’s latest book, The Hype Machine, which investigates the ways in which social media affects our decision making and shapes the world we live in. Guided by industry experts, this program moves from theory into strategic application, providing you with the tools and frameworks to navigate the perils of social media and leverage its promise within your organization. In addition, the course will teach you to enhance your digital marketing strategy using powerful techniques and a deep understanding of the science behind social media.
Professor Jared Curhan reveals the positive contribution AI is already making in supporting leaders with negotiation