Women mean business. Prepare yourself for your next career step with new knowledge. In the two-day Women in Leadership programme, you will learn how to make your voice heard, take ownership, develop and understand your network, and gain confidence in being present. Learn how to manage yourself, manage relationships, manage diversity, and manage networks.
RSM Executive Education’s Women in Leadership programme addresses the issues encountered by women in business, particularly the challenges women face when climbing the corporate ladder. The programme’s aim is for you to discover more about yourself by interacting with other high-performing women in a challenging but pleasant environment. The course is led by leadership development and diversity specialist Professor Dianne Bevelander. With her and fellow programme participants you will explore best practices, share insights, learn about the latest research on female leadership, compare experiences, and discuss your ideas and challenges. The programme is highly practical, so you can put what you have learned into action to empower yourself immediately.
New study reveals how perceptions of competence versus interpersonal skills can be inaccurately judged when choosing team members