Environmental dynamism, competitive rivalry, globalisation, and technological change all conspire to make even the most conservative and stable of industries uncertain, ambiguous and difficult to navigate. Surviving and thriving demands an ability to continuously adapt to this changing landscape. To prosper, you need an organisational imperative and capacity to innovate. The ‘gales of creative destruction’ are a positive force for economic development, but also represent a critical challenge for leaders and managers of organisations. How are you embedding innovation and entrepreneurship in your business?
Innovation & Corporate Entrepreneurship is a three-day programme which immerses you in the live online classroom for one day on each of the three programme weeks. The programme will give you practical and actionable learning, allowing you engineer processes toward innovation and not just execution. The focus will be on de-risking the process through small experiments, to fail fast and learn. Alongside innovative processes you will explore how to generate rewards for innovation, empowering teams and managers with the skills they need to engage in these behaviours.
Learning outcomes
There is a significant gap today between the demand for, and willingness of, corporations to transition to more sustainable practices, and the knowledge and skills required at the managerial level to lead those transitions successfully.