Inside organizations, relationships matter. Whether you are tasked with driving change, managing projects, or leading people (or all three), getting things done depends on how well you influence others.
In Strategic Persuasion Workshop: The Art and Science of Selling Ideas, Richard Shell and Mario Moussa share their structured process for selling your ideas and then give you the tools to master each step. Based on their book The Art of Woo (Winning Others Over), the program shows you how to overcome influence barriers, improve credibility, communicate more effectively, and get others to see it your way.
This intensive, personalized, and highly practical workshop shows you how to use relationship-based persuasion — rather than authority or coercion — to create alignment. You can have brilliant ideas, but if you can’t get them across, your ideas won’t get you anywhere.
Howard Kunreuther and Michael Useem show how companies are coping with disruption and offer profound insights on mitigating and managing risk