Manufacturing Directors Programme - Program Overview


Manufacturing Directors Programme

Course Dates:
21/01/2019 To 22/01/2019

GBP £ 5800

Language of Instruction:

The Manufacturing Directors' Programme is Cranfield University's flagship manufacturing course for senior managers and directors who have direct responsibility or influence over manufacturing strategy and business performance.

To our knowledge, it is the only manufacturing executive development programme in the UK that combines the prowess of leadership & strategy experts at Cranfield’s world leading management school with the industrial might of manufacturing doyens that Cranfield University is globally famed for. Now more than ever, manufacturing leaders need to be more adaptive, employ greater agility and be resilient in order to respond to strategic threats such as global competition, intense pricing pressures and a changing legal & regulatory environment.

This programme builds on your current strategic leadership and manufacturing competencies so that you better manage uncertainty and risk whilst driving the agenda for innovation and productivity improvements.

  • Diagnose your business’s manufacturing requirements
  • Build strategic manufacturing capabilities for competitive advantage
  • Develop  personal leadership skills vital for leading your strategy
  • Harness technology trends and open innovation to ensure that you build leading edge manufacturing capability for your business.

What you will learn

This programme builds on your current strategic leadership and manufacturing competencies so that you can better manage uncertainty and risk whilst driving the agenda for innovation and productivity improvements.

  • Diagnose your organisation’s manufacturing requirements 
  • Build strategic manufacturing capabilities for competitive advantage 
  • Develop personal leadership skills vital for leading your strategy 
  • Apply Open Innovation principles and tools aimed at maximising the returns of innovation by integrating customers and suppliers in the process
  • Harness technology trends and open innovation to ensure that you build leading edge manufacturing capability for your business.

Core content

Residential Module 1 (two days): Agile Resource Integration and Coordination, Technology Trends and Open Innovation

Manufacturing Directors’ Programme helps participants leverage the resources currently available to them by developing the leadership skills they need to translate strategy into action, including:

  • Learning strategy framework tools for building powerful business strategies
  • Assessing the impact of manufacturing strategy on business performance
  • Connecting manufacturing strategy with execution and agile resourcing.

Evidence and experience tells us that technology is the key enabler for delivering productive and flexible operations as well as innovation in new products and processes. On this programme participants will:

  • Get in-depth awareness of the state-of-the-art manufacturing technologies that allow flexible and responsive manufacturing operations.
  • Discover Additive Manufacturing and how you can leverage the power of digital 3D design data to build innovative components.
  • Explore the use of Ultraprecision
  • Manufacturing to improve quality control, reduce costs and extend the lifetime of a product or a component.
  • Learn how to build servitisation capability, so you increase the value you give to your customers and enjoy additional profits to your business for years to come.

Residential Module 2 (two days): Leading Manufacturing Strategy

This module focuses on the tools to devise, develop, implement and lead agile manufacturing strategies so that you deliver better performance.

  • Ensure continuity in the face of unplanned events.
  • Apply success mapping to determine and clarify objectives
  • Enable your employees to commit to taking action so that you deliver a return on investment.

Key Outcomes

  • Understand the strengths and weaknesses of your current model. 
  • Appreciate your personal strengths as a leader through a 360 degree feedback process. 
  • Translate strategy into action. 
  • Gain awareness of recent advances in data insights for responsive execution. 
  • Appreciate your personal leadership style. 
  • Extend your skills to lead change through uncertainty.

Cranfield School of Management

Tel : 01234 754500



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